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Tells all you need to know about the principles and practices of nutrition from athletic drinks and
carbohydrate-loaders to vitamin supplements and vegetarians. Presents lessons in nutrition, athlete's protein needs, weight control, the drinking runner, and meals for athletes with a sample eating schedule for a week and dozens of recipes. Charts, 252 pages, index..
Inventory = 3. ISBN: 0-89037-090-7. 1978. Covers lightly scuffed. Order #: MACM3333 paper$7.95.
edited by Joe Henderson, Runner's World.
The ultimate book about the ultimate sport
that has swept the world up into a frenzy of fitness, speed, endurance and
celebration of the human spirit. Gives history of the marathon, important runners, noted places where marathons are held and gives advice on becoming a marathon runner. Training schedules are provided; aspects of gender and age are discussed.. Includes best foods for a marathon diet and even how not to run a marathon; plus recovery and meditation after a run and what to eat to restore yourself. Drawings, 425 pages.
Inventory = 3.
ISBN:0-89037-094-X. 1978.
Order #: MACM3067 paper$8.95.
by Steven I. Subotnick.
Medical guide for every runner and other athlete--with advice on treatments for the author's fellow physicians to apply. Includes how to prevent injuries from toes to hips as well as how to treat them--knees, Achilles tendons, neuromas, heels, stress fractures, sprained ankles, shin splints. When needed this book can help put you on the road to recovery and back on course again..
Inventory = 1.ISBN:0-89037-209-8. 1979.
Order #: MACM3050 paper$5.95.
DR. SHEEHAN ON RUNNING. by George Sheehan, M.D.
Running as understood and practiced by a heart specialist who began running at 45. Prior to become running, he was concerned with disease; after he was interested in health. Said another way, he notes, the medical world may be more concerned with repairing than preventing, and he finds running can be a preventative form of health. Still, he notes what to do about running injuries that do occur but that some can have their origin in the foot, and that simple foot pads can reduce or solve issues. He notes that not all persons will become runners in the pure sense but some may run as part of other sports. He teaches by way of sharing his experiences through philosophical musings. Drawings, 204 pages.
Inventory = 3. ISBN: 0-89037-067-2. 1978. Order #: MACM3040 paper$5.95.
EMERGENCY SURVIVAL. by Charles A. Lehman.
Explores a myriad of situations where one's life may be in jeopardy--light plane crash, snowstorm stops traffic on interstate, vehicle gets stuck offroad,
electricity goes out in mountain ski lodge, snowmobile dies far up the trail, lost in a swamp, fall off boat into cold water--and recounts real episodes of how some coped successfully and some did not. What to expect from SAR--search and rescue--and how to help get it (radio, phone, smoke, signals, signs) and assist when you have. Lists things to carry even though you would not normally need them but would in case of emergency. The thing you do not want to use on your trip is your first aid kit--unless. You may not be the one to need help, but need to know how to help others in your party or whom you encounter. Drawings, 153 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-935810-03-X. 1979. Order #: MISC2076 paper$7.95
FIRST AID: quick information for mountaineering and backcountry use. by Ed Peters.
Goes beyond the "everyday" mishaps that can occur but which can almost be predicted to happen if one spends much time in outdoor activities. Especially if such a mishap occurs while a long distance from help beyond one's own party then help must come from within the group. Suggests response to and treatment of CPR, resuscitation, hemorrhage, evacuation, fracture, frostbite, head and spine injuries, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, joint and muscle injuries, pulmonary edema, shock, snowblindness, sunburn. Contents of the mountaineering first aid kit are listed. This is a good pamphlet to read and understand before you need to. Drawings, accident report form, 34 little pages.
Inventory =3. ISBN: 0-89886-070-9. 1982. Order #: MOUN2664 paper$2.95.
IMPROVING YOUR RUNNING. by Bill Squires with Raymond Krise.
Presents a 52-week training schedule to got from walk-jog to marathons, plus a coach's tips on strides, knee lifts, prevention of heat injury, nutrition, meals before and after races, work-outs, and hill climbing. There is a chapter on the psychological
component of training and racing. Mentions posture problems, racing strategy, common injuries and their causes. Photographs, 206 pages, index.
Inventory = 2. ISBN 8289-0466-9. 1982. Order #: STGR3042 paper$7.95.
by Joe Henderson.
Author explains benefits of running for him which involve not only physical benefits but by running at a gentle pace a meditative mental state, in which he finds happiness and expects that others will also. Tells how to begin a running program and how to keep it going. Includes knowledge from medical sources about how running affects bodily processes. And there is information on racing or event running, along with many personal experiences that are shared that may inspire others to experience the happiness that can come from consistently running.
Inventory = 3. ISBN 0-89037-101-6. 1976.
Order #: MACM3039 paper$5.95.
Runner's World.
These exercises are designed specifically for runners--to neutralize the inflexible muscle situations that running produces.
Running develops some muscles but may not develop others, which can lead to stiffness. Book provides tests to determine your own flexibility and exercises based on medical knowledge that can help maintain your running technique. Injury prevention can be a result as well as smoother movement, economy of action, and a longer running stride. Stretches are given to provide two-way flexibility and yoga is recommended, with difficulty levels of various poses indicated. Photographs, 155 pages, index.
Inventory = 2.ISBN:0-89037-151-2. 1978.
Order #: MACM3379 paper$4.95.
by Joe Henderson.
Musings about running in many forms--individual, social, racing--and going long versus short, paced versus fast. Through his own experiences the author teaches of the values attainable through gently-paced distance running and the general principles that guide him.
Drawings, 94 pages.
Inventory = 1.ISBN: None. 1974. Order #: MACM3384 paper$5.95.
by Steven I. Subotnick.
The runner's weakest link traditionally has been the feet. But running injuries to ankle, shin, knee, and lower back can start at the very bottom when the foot strikes the earth. The medical practice of podiatry can help reduce such problems. Explains how the fight against foot trouble is being
waged and how runners can improve their chances of piling up pain-free miles. Also considers bunions and nerve damage. Includes drawings showing structure of the foot and ankle to help readers understand the importance of caring for the feet--and how to do it.
Inventory = 6.
ISBN 0-89037-117-2. 1979.
Order #: MACM3064 paper$4.95.
RUNNING TO THE TOP. by Derek Clayton.
Here a runner who has held world records in the marathon explains how he achieved his "top" and what he learned along the way. Photographs, 137 pages.
Discusses need for competitive spirit, proper diet, exercises, multi-week training regimens, safety and common injuries to avoid or deal with, running in cold weather and rain, and his personal philosophy and insights on how he achieved success which just might help another aspirant achieve theirs.
Inventory = 1.ISBN:0-89037-212-8 1980.
Order #: MACM3387 paper$6.95.
by Davia Anne Gallup.
Tips on how best to run with your dog, plus chart showing how well different dog breeds run. Explains how to manage your dog;s progress as a jogging companion from beginner through old age. Basics of obedience, safety tips, first aid just in case, environmental factors--heat, humidity, cold and snow, a lost dog, crossing roads. Illustrated, 117 pages.
Inventory = 1.ISBN:0-931866-25-1. 1986. Order #: ALPI5386 paper$7.98.
SERIOUS RUNNER'S HANDBOOK: answers to hundreds of your running questions.
by Tom Osler.
Presents definitive information on running in convenient question-and-answer format, telling of the features of a good running shoe, how to lose weight, know of common running injuries, whether runners catch colds, learn how to warm up before running and how to cool down after. Training advice is clear and succinct to help any runner improve technique. Drawings, photographs, chart, 176 pages index.
Inventory = 3. ISBN: 089037-126-1. 1978.
Order #: MACM3037 paper$5.95.
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