BACK COUNTRY. by Calvin rutstrum.
Musings on the meanings of backcountry, and of people there. 21 articles explore aspects of wilderness including those who explore it and/or make it their domain, enjoy it for what it is and apply skills to maneuver within it. A philosophical approach by a professional outdoorsman and outdoor writer. Drawings,
265 pages.
Inventory = 4. ISBN: 0-934802-11-4. 1981. Order #: ICSB1400 paper$14.95.
THE BACKPACKER'S MANUAL: the essential techniques and equipment. by Cameron McNeish.
Walking without strain, boots/clothing/packs, navigation, crossing rivers, packing, choosing tents/sleeping bags/stoves, camping techniques. Includes backpacking trails in the U.S. and Canada. Drawings and color photographs, bibliography, index, 160 large-format pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-8129-6338-5. 1984. Order #: MISC1521 paper$9.95.
BRADFORD ANGIER'S BACKCOUNTRY BASICS. by Bradford Angier; edited by Esme Deweiler.
Presents wilderness skills to find drinking water, make matchless
fires, stay warm in a blizzard, identify wild plants, and enjoy nature. Advice on gear, tents, and food for relaxed recreation with an optimum of comfort. Covers shelters, equipment, cookery, orienteering, canoing, first aid, knots. Help avoid emergencies but if they occur preventing them from turning into deadly ordeals. Drawings, 357 pages, index.
Inventory = 6. ISBN: 0-8117-0112-3. 1983. Order #: STAC3660 cloth$19.95.
BACKPACK TECHNIQUES. by Ruth Dyer Mendenhall.
Tells what you need to know to backpack--who goes, where to go, getting ready, choosing equipment and equipment lists, for and cooking gear, on the trail with etiquette and safety, in camp, concerns of sun/air/altitude, care and storage of gear, things to make, human relationships (for men, for women and girls, for teen-agers, for children). Illustrated, 36 pages.
Inventory = 7. ISBN: 0-910856-24-9. 1984. Order #: LASI4875 paper$3.95.
BACKPACKING BASICS. by Thomas Winnett with Melanie Findling.
Tells all you need to know for a comfortable, safe, and utterly enjoyable backpacking trip. How to plan a first trip; when to go, how to get in shape, how much you can comfortably carry, what to take and how to pack it. Includes ways to save money buying equipment and food.
Gives advice on walking and how often to rest, choosing a campsite, cooking efficiently, ensuring enjoyment and safety for children on their first backpacking trip. Photographs, drawings, 134 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-89997-172-5. 1994. Order #: WILD1658 paper$9.95.
BACKPACKING. by R.C. Rethmel and Clair Rees.
Covers all types of packs and frames, sleeping gear, shelter, boots and clothing, foods and cooking, safety, survival, trip planning, procedures on the trail and in camps, and backpacking with children. Includes cold-weather equipment and techniques. Photographs, drawings, 234 large-format pages, index.
Inventory =1. ISBN: 0-8329-0362-0. 1984. Order #: MISC1506 paper$12.95.
BACKPACKING. by R.C. Rethmel.
Covers all types of packs and frames, sleeping gear, shelter, boots and clothing, foods and cooking, safety, survival, trip planning, procedures on the trail and in camps, and backpacking with children. Includes cold-weather equipment and techniques. Photographs, drawings, 234 large-format pages, index.
Inventory =1. ISBN: 0-8329-1144-5. 1979. Order #: MISC1493 paper$9.95.
a complete guide to why, how, and where for hikers and
backpackers. by Lee Schreiber & Backpacking Journal.
Guide to essential equipment, conservation, and survival in the wilderness; techniques for
different terrains; list of manufacturers, physical condition, packing the pack, weather, map reading and compasses, fire building and cooking, trial hygiene, first aid.. Illustrated, 224 pages. Covers lightly scuffed.
Inventory = 5. ISBN: 0-8128-6187-6. 1983. Order #: ZZPM4420 paper$7.95.
BACKPACKING: one step at a time. by Harvey Manning.
Presents "the ten essentials no backpacker should be without", eating and sleeping outdoors, avoiding common dangers, choosing equipment (illustrated with dozens of photographs), finding routes, backpacking with children, extending the hiking season through the whole year, minimizing impact on the environment. Photographs and drawings, 478 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-394-72939-0. 1986. Order #: RAHO1433 paper$9.95.
Increases sheer joy and comfort of backpacking and enhances knowledge and understanding of the mountains Pitfalls to avoid and suggestions on where to go, what to take, how to increase endurance on trips, grow in the skills of the outdoorsman, and how to select and wisely use the equipment and food needed. Know how to avoid difficulties with bears, mosquitoes, and wilderness dangers, make a comfortable bed , and how set up your pack for the utmost ease of carrying. Photographs, drawings, 128 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-87961-040-9. Order #: NAGR1659 paper$8.95.
Stresses importance of confidence in deciding needs. Explains proper judgment and a positive attitude for good decision-making skills and appropriate planning. Provides equipment lists and comfort tips plus tips on packing. 24 illustrations, 72 pages, index.
Inventory = 6. ISBN:0-934802-44-0 . Order #: ICSB3790 paper$5.99.
Concise approach to common wilderness problems; plant rash, bites and stings, fractures vs. sprains, medications, first-aid kit design, treating shock, hypothermia, wind-chill chart, more. 25 illustrations, 72 pages, bibliography, index.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-934802-43-2. Order #: ICSB3794 paper$6.95.
Understand and use any type of
compass, orienteering or simple. Find your way to favorite spots--and back. Use your compass at night. Understand how to relate a map with a compass. Know the difference between U.S. and Canada maps. Triangulate for location and direction. 41 illustrations, 72 pages, table of common terms, index.
Inventory = 4. ISBN: 0-934802-42-4. Order #: ICSB3887 paper$6.95.
Organizing trips with other women, equipment, and special womens' perspectives in outdoors, women's first-aid kits. Campsites, hygiene, clothing, knots, fire, and having fun. Illustrated, 72 pages, index.
Inventory = 4. ISBN: 0-934802-56-4. 1990. Order #: ICSB9425 paper$5.99.
CAMPER'S & BACKPACKER'S BIBLE. edited by C.B. Colby.
In the form of 34 articles by selected experts, this handbook gives practical insights that tell you not only how and where to hike and camp but describes in detail various kinds of gear and equipment--and how to use it: advice on boots, socks, care of the feet, walking clothes, and raingear. Tips on choosing packs, tents, sleeping bags, stoves and cooking and eating utensils. Learn meal planning, how much food and water to carry, first-aid kits and toilet gear. Reference materials include suggested trip checklists and there are specifications for gear and accessories. Photographs, 477 large-format pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-88317-033-7. 1977. Order #: MISC2193 paper$7.95.
THE CAMPER'S POCKET HANDBOOK: a backcountry traveler's companion. by John Goll.
A myriad of skills and techniques for wilderness travelers: camping and hiking, route finding, weather, food and drink, medical problems, evacuation and rescue, campfire readings and mind games.. 40 illustrations, 128 little pages to be easily carried in pack or pocket .
Inventory = 3.ISBN: 0-934802-64-5. 1992. Order #: ICSB5254 paper$9.95.
CAMPING SECRETS: a lexicon of camping tips only the experts know. by Cliff Jacobson.
Successful camping is more than getting gear that matches your trip's season, altitude, weather, partners, terrain but also applying it to situations to produce the results you want and need., Gives pros and cons of containers, knots and hitches, tents, stoves, rainflys, fire-making, knife-sharpening, first-aid procedures, maps and reading topography and much more. 27
illustrations, 160 pages.
Inventory = 4. ISBN: 0-93480-30-0. 1987. Order #: ICSB9191 paper$11.95.
FACTOR: skills that make the difference in outdoor sports. by Bradford Angier.
with challenges of backcountry hazards, rescues-coping with hypothermia, treatment of frostbite, dressing for cold weather, safeguarding your vision, escaping from quicksand and quagmire, mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, treating snake-bite, preventing altitude sickness, purifying water. All are skills pertinent to cross-count and downhill skiing, cold weather camping and backpacking, fishing, canoing, swimming, rock climbing, biking, hunting and shooting, and archery. Drawings, 180 pages.
Inventory = 9. ISBN: 0-8117-2189-2. 1983. Order #: STAC1405 paper$7.95.
What Global Positioning Technology (GPS) can do and how it can best be used in a variety of everyday circumstances--navigating with GPS and map, navigating with and without a compass, highway travel with GPS, buying a GPS receiver. Included CD is for older versions of Windows only. Diagrams, sample maps, photographs, glossary, 316 pages, index.
Inventory = 1.
ISBN:1-892688-00-X. 1999. Order #: MISC1424 paper$24.95.
A manual intended to help manage medical emergencies in remote environments (or for foreign travel) when professional medical care or rescue is not readily available. Starts with basic assessment of issues and emergency responses to these conditions such as breathing, bleeding, and beating (of heart) , goes on to deal with specific situations of allergic emergencies, altitude illness, animal bites, burns, hypothermia, food poisonings, fractures, dental emergencies, sprains, ticks, snake bites, and much more. Drawings, contents list, 198 little pages for carrying in the pack.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-9659768-0-7. 1997. Order #: MISC2638 paper$6.95.
DESERT AWARENESS: information for anyone traveling in the desert southwest. by Helen Georges.
From DARES--Desert Alpine Reserve Emergency Service.. Information for traveling in
Southwest desert: techniques, hazards. Travel by walking or driving, flash floods, dehydration and finding water, poisonous plants and insects, snakes, and spiders, finding direction with compass and other means. 36 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: . Order #: MAFE0816 paper$3.95.
HIKING. by Dave Ganci.
Special techniques for hiking and backpacking in the land of sun
and sand; desert clothing equipment. Includes introduction to many cacti and desert animals and the need for water with tips on where to find it. Vehicle considerations.. Photos, 192 pages, index, sources of information..
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-89997-086-9. Order #: WILD1798 paper$13.95. Note ISBN.
HIKING. by Dave Ganci.
Special techniques for hiking and backpacking in the land of sun
and sand; desert clothing equipment. Includes introduction to many cacti and desert animals and the need for water with tips on where to find it. Vehicle considerations.. Photos, 192 pages, index, sources of information..
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-89997-036-2. 1983. Order #: WILD1357 paper$13.95. Note ISBN.
prevent and handle emergency situations. by Charles A. Lehman.
This easy-to-read handbook provides you with the basic survival skills necessary to deal with
emergencies in the desert. It makes an ideal carry-along in your backpack, car,
boat, airplane, RV, or saddlebag.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 1-935810-65-X. Order #: amtr7611 paper$8.95.
DIET IN SPORT. by Wilf Paish.
Useful for physical education students and any reader concerned with optimizing athletic performance and also directed at coaches, trainers, and managers of athletes competing at the highest level. Helps calculate energy expenditure, plan diets and special menus, and maximize the benefits of a scientific approach to sport training. Includes information on food supplements, hormones, energy systems, metabolism, ergonomic aids, and more. Photographs, charts, index, 96 pages.
Inventory = 5. ISBN: 0-7158-0658-0. 1979. Order #: EPPU3831 paper$6.95.
Choosing and using the right
equipment, clothing, and techniques. 96 large-format pages.
Inventory = 17. ISBN 0-695-81282-3. Order #:DBIB0356 paper$3.95.
THE DIGEST BOOK OF OUTDOOR COOKING: the secrets of successful camp cookery--tools and techniques for tent camper, backpacker, RVer. by Charles & & Kathy Farmer.
Contents include water, campfire, stove, cleanup, dutch-oven cookery, cooking in the rain, super-market foods, cooking for survival, backpack foods, jerky, and more. Photographs, 96 large-format pages.
Inventory = 4. ISBN: 0-695-81285-8.1979. Order #: DBIB0359 paper$3.95.
EMERGENCY SURVIVAL. by Charles A. Lehman.
Explores a myriad of situations where one's life may be in jeopardy--light plane crash, snowstorm stops traffic on interstate, vehicle gets stuck offroad,
electricity goes out in mountain ski lodge, snowmobile dies far up the trail, lost in a swamp, fall off boat into cold water--and recounts real episodes of how some coped successfully and some did not. What to expect from SAR--search and rescue--and how to help get it (radio, phone, smoke, signals, signs) and assist when you have. Lists things to carry even though you would not normally need them but would in case of emergency. The thing you do not want to use on your trip is your first aid kit--unless. You may not be the one to need help, but need to know how to help others in your party or whom you encounter. Drawings, 153 pages.
Inventory = 1.ISBN: 0-935810-03-X. 1979. Order #: MISC2076 paper$7.95.
For all who wander afield--a quick reference for bringing all the good times home. Presents techniques for photographing flowers, birds, animals, landscapes, and candid reminiscences of companions on the trail. Covers composition--secret of good and interesting pictures, lighting--various types for various effects, exposure--determining settings for great photos, making and improving accessories. Includes aspects of photography in hunting, fishing, camping, backpacking, climbing, and boating including details on building blinds and shutter releases, plus information on animal photography at night. Also includes advice on displaying photographs after taking them--framing, albums, and more. Photographs, 224 little pages for easy carrying in the field, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-8117-2261-9. 1977. Order #: STAC2633 paper$7.95.
FIRST AID: quick information for mountaineering and backcountry use. by Ed Peters.
Goes beyond the "everyday" mishaps that can occur but which can almost be predicted to happen if one spends much time in outdoor activities. Especially if such a mishap occurs while a long distance from help beyond one's own party then help must come from within the group. Suggests response to and treatment of CPR, resuscitation, hemorrhage, evacuation, fracture, frostbite, head and spine injuries, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, joint and muscle injuries, pulmonary edema, shock, snowblindness, sunburn. Contents of the mountaineering first aid kit are listed. This is a good pamphlet to read and understand before you need to. Drawings, accident report form, 34 little pages.
Inventory =3. ISBN: 0-89886-070-9. 1982. Order #: MOUN2664 paper$2.95.
THE GREAT OUTDOORS CATALOG. by Kenn and Pat Oberrecht.
Lists mail-order suppliers of hunting, fishing, camping, and other outdoor gear, with
descriptions of top products. Boats, guns, tents, fishing gear, knives, cameras. While there are newer items available today, this guide is now a reference to help identify sources and manufacturers of past products, some of which are approaching antique status. Illustrated with hundreds of photographs, 256 large-format pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-87691-240-40. 1977. Order #: ZZSU5794 paper$9.95.
HIKING BACK TO HEALTH; a guide for the urban and wilderness walker. by Calvin Rutstrum.
Analysis of equipment, outdoor living methods for recreation, adventure, therapeutic value, or to prolong life--gives guidelines incorporating medical information and personal knowledge. Illustrated, 112 pages.
Inventory = 9.ISBN: 0-934802-06-8. Order #: ICSB3326 paper$5.95.
HIKING LIGHT. by Marlyn Doan.
Pointers for backpackers on going light--on the load,
land, and budget. Make your experience simple and enjoyable; lighten your load, and act with wilderness etiquette, organize your pack, create appetizing meals, maintain comfort, care for gear, select the appropriate clothing. Drawings, 214 pages, index.
Inventory = 26. ISBN:0-89886-036-9. 1982. Order #: MOUN0864 paper$8.95.
HIKING THE BACKCOUNTRY: a do-it-yourself guide for the adventurous woman. by Jackie Johnson Maghnan and Ann Puddicombe.
Know who will make the best companions on the trail; build up strength without looking masculine; clothing alterations that make life easier; deal with hygiene and medical problems in the wilderness--menses, pregnancy, contraception, and "the pill'. Includes everything from how to buy a pack that fits, how to protect yourself on the trail (from animals as well as humans). Includes tips, hints, and actual accounts that make this guide a valuable resource as well as enjoyable reading. Drawings, 237 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN:0-8117-2170-1. 1981. Order #: STAC1612 paper$9.95.
HIKING. by Calvin Rustrum.
Covers short urban walks to long wilderness treks with
analysis of equipment, outdoor living methods, more. Whether for recreation, adventure, therapeutic value. or to prolong life, a walking program needs some guidance. Incorporates medical information and author's personal knowledge to establish these guidelines. Presents cases for action for males and females and considers aspects of hiking that promote well-being. Also presents practical advice on cross-country hiking, hiking alone, and explains equipment and camp outfit.125 pages.
Inventory = 6. Check stock. ISBN: 0-934802-20-3. Order #: STAC1401 paper$8.95. Check stock.
HIKING. by Calvin Rutstrum.
Covers short urban walks to long wilderness treks with
analysis of equipment, outdoor living methods, more. Whether for recreation, adventure, therapeutic value. or to prolong life, a walking program needs some guidance. Incorporates medical information and author's personal knowledge to establish these guidelines. Presents cases for action for males and females and considers aspects of hiking that promote well-being. Also presents practical advice on cross-country hiking, hiking alone, and explains equipment and camp outfit.125 pages.
Inventory = 1. Check stock. ISBN: 0-934802-20-3. Back cover scuffed. Order #: ICSB1604 paper$8.95. Check stock.
HIKING: pure and simple. by David L. Drotar.
Encouragement to take up this healthy and carefree activity; step-by-step specifics from trip planning and trail techniques to boots and first aid; interesting stories, fun-filled activities, resource information for handy reference. Body basics include training for hiking and exercise before you hit the trail. Proper packs for styles of hiking and what to carry on the trail. Chapters on feet and footwear along with what to wear and trail accessories. What to eat and drink including purifying water. Includes trail-wise meal and snack recipes. Discover trail-walking techniques such as pace, maximizing lung capacity and actually resting while moving uphill. Knees as a gauge of downhill technique is discussed along with caring for joints and muscles during and after a hike. Photographs, 131 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-913276-47-2. 1984. Order #: MISC1661 paper$9.95.
HYPOTHERMIA: death by exposure. by William W. Forgey M.D..
Understanding, preventing and treating severe body
chill--the greatest potential danger for anyone traveling in the outdoors--whether hunting, camping, climbing, skiing, or even driving down a highway. It can be prevented, it can be treated--but only if you know how. Covers gross energy costs of various activities, wind-chill factors. Illustrated, 180 pages, index, glossary, table of treatments.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-934802-10-6. 1985. Order #: ICSB1348 paper$9.95.
Learn this outdoor sport by exploring its language and terms with capsule definitions of activities, environment, critters, weather, shelters, and more. Drawings, 128 pages.
Inventory =1. ISBN: 0-13-450759-2. 1981. Order #: PRHA1545 paper$4.95.
LIGHT BACKPACKING. by Donald J. Christian.
Covers equipment and trip planning to survival when lost: boots and clothing, sleeping bags, tents, ground mats, packs, cookstoves, canteens and all other gear and accessories. Trip planning, eating well, hiking to minimize fatigue, setting up camp, safety, wild foods, getting "unlost", nature's ways, solving problems. Photographs, 144 pages, index.
Inventory = 7. ISBN: 0-87691-338-9. 1981. Order #: ZZPM4421 paper$9.95.
#MOSTLY IN FUN: rhymes and reflections on outdoor experiences. Thomas.
A selection of lighthearted verse recording situations
familiar to most hikers, bicyclists, fishermen, climbers, boaters, and
others who enjoy the outdoors. Illustrated, 62 pages.
Inventory = 2. Check stock. ISBN: 0-913140-23-6. Order #: SIGN3322 paper$3.95.
Expanded version of Sierra Club handbook. Complete information on wilderness trip planning, physical conditioning, outfitting, using map and compass, camping with children, amateur weather forecasting, on- and off-trail travel, campsite selection and management, food and cooking, safety and first aid, search and rescue. Specialized instructions are given for rockclimbing, winter camping, snow and ice camping, desert travel. All wilderness skills are approached from a minimum impact perspective. Photographs drawings, 240 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-032238-24-6. Order #: MISC1546 paper$9.95.
MOVIN' OUT: equipment and technique for hikers. by Harry N. Roberts.
Insights on important details to look for in equipment selection--stitching patterns, zipper closures, seams on raingear, sleeping bag construction, tent considerations for condensation and ventilation, boot characteristics
and stitching patterns, fabrics for different purposes. This books gives the nitty-gritty of backpacking. Includes navigation, going out with kids and spouses, male/female differences on outings, inconveniences and hazards to avoid and/or deal with. Drawings, 151 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-913276-29-4. 1979. Order #: MISC1544 paper$8.95.
NATURE BOUND: pocket field guide. by Ron Dawson.
Pocket-sized outdoor handbook provides concise survival, map/compass, first-aid for several situations. Discusses starting fires, gives wind-chill chart, explains fishing and snares to get food, use of ropes and knots, weather and snowshoes. Much detail on poisonous and edible plants with identification with ranges and seasons plus which parts are edible with preparation for eating, and which are poisonous. Drawings and 125 color plates, 336
pages, plant indexes.
Inventory = 3. ISBN: 0-9609776-7-8. 1985. Order #: OMNI5501 paper$12.00.
NUTRITION ALMANAC COOKBOOK. by John D. Kirschmann and Lavin J, Dunne of Nutrition Search.
A cookbook that takes the guesswork out of
providing nutritious and well-balanced meals, with charts that show amounts of vitamins,
minerals, calories, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for each meal. Every menu supplies generous amounts of all nutrients with levels of 5 vitamins, 6 minerals, and other factors listed. Can help control weight by getting adequate nutrition with fewer calories. Recipes selected are less expensive and easier to prepare. 237 pages with charts, index.
Inventory = 6. ISBN: 0-07-034846-4. Order #: MCGH3273 paper$8.95.
NUTRITION ALMANAC: better life through better nutrition. Nutrition Search.
Covers nutrition and health, sources of calories, how nutrients function, herbs, food supplements, acid
contents of foods, diet analysis, and more. 285 large-format pages.
Inventory = 6. ISBN: 0-07-034848-0. Order #: MCGH3272 paper$8.95.
Gives professional advice on best equipment for a variety of outdoor pursuits: hiking fishing hunting, nature study, and more. Chapters on Lighting and Composition, Flash Photography, and Close-up Photography offer technical instruction. There is also full treatment of animal, bird, and wildlife photography. Includes composition, equipment adaptations for special shots in difficult situations. Makes outdoor experiences more rewarding by bringing back memorable images from trips afield. Over 100 photographs including 4 pages in color, 226 pages, index.
Inventory =1. ISBN: 0-8329-0434-1. 1986. Order #: MISC2097 paper$13.95.
OUT OF THE NOOSPHERE: adventure, sports, travel, and the environment--the best of
Outside Magazine. by Editors Outside Magazine.
41 articles gleaned from Outside Magazine that were selected as the best and reprinted here, including works from Edward Abbey, Tim Cahill, Barry Lopez, Jon Krakauer, Bill Bryson, and Donald Katz. Collections include "The People", "The Home Front", "The Natural World",and "The World Out There".
480 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-671-75466-1. 1992. Order #: SISC6020 paper$14.00.
Shows how to gear up for, compose, and take outdoor photographs of the highest order. Covers basics as what camera to use and even how to hold it, how to select the right camera for the job at hand. Discusses light and lighting, how to compose a photograph to best get the effect wanted, the thorny issue of filters, how to photograph land- and water-scapes, close-up photography and photographing in populated areas. Also how to travel with cameras. Tells how to shop for camera equipment and how to care for it. Glossary, bibliography, 275 large-format pages, index.
Inventory =1. ISBN: 0-87691-289-7. 1979. Order #: MISC2053 cloth$19.95.
A complete manual for the adventurous camper, including plans and detailed drawings for tent making plus camping in the snow. Presents a plan for both mental and physical fitness. Discusses all gear requirements--clothes, boots, packs, food, sleeping bags, tents.
Working drawings and detailed instructions to make simple backpacks, tools, and shelters. Also includes a survival guide plus tips for winter camping. Photographs, 186 pages.
Inventory =1. ISBN: 0-525-04745-X. 1977. Covers scuffed. Order #: MISC1667 paper$4.95.
PACKBACKING: Basic Guide to Camping and Backpacking. by Lou Steck.
Equipment and clothing including boots/shoes/socks, food, cooking, making camp, map and compass, health,
fishing/photography, checklist of equipment. Includes episodes and experiences of the author that you, too, might encounter, and tips on how to understand and deal with them. Drawings, 104 pages.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-944194-06-0. 1986. Order #: AMWE9501 paper$14.50.
PACKIN' IN ON MULES AND HORSES. by Bill Brown & Smoke Elser.
Jam-filled with good pictures, illustrations, and advice on just about
anything you'd want to know about packing in and camping." —Western Horseman. For those who yearn to pack in the wilderness country of the West, either on
their own mules and horses or those of a professional packer, here is a book
that takes the mystery out of backcountry packstring travel. By teaching you the
tricks of the trade, professional outfitter Smoke Elser shows how your trip will
be easier and more enjoyable by knowing more about the animals used and why, and
how they carry their loads as they do. Appendixes for equipment, grub, meals, loads, knots. Photographs, 168 large-format pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-87842-127-0. 2007. Order #: MOPR1201 paper$18.00. Note date.
PACKIN' IN ON MULES AND HORSES. by Bill Brown & Smoke Elser.
Jam-filled with good pictures, illustrations, and advice on just about
anything you'd want to know about packing in and camping." —Western Horseman. For those who yearn to pack in the wilderness country of the West, either on
their own mules and horses or those of a professional packer, here is a book
that takes the mystery out of backcountry packstring travel. By teaching you the
tricks of the trade, professional outfitter Smoke Elser shows how your trip will
be easier and more enjoyable by knowing more about the animals used and why, and
how they carry their loads as they do. Appendixes for equipment, grub, meals, loads, knots. Photographs, 168 large-format pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-87842-127-0. 1984. Order #: MOPR1542 paper$12.95. Note date.
Comprehensive guide to the selection, care, training and use of pack
burros. Packing on foot into the wilderness with heavy loads for fishing,
photography or small children can mean backbreaking loads. With a burro packing
your gear you can arrive fresh and take companions who might not be up to the
rigors of an unassisted trip. Many photos of burros on pack trips and helpful
illustrations of burro anatomy and the gear. Packing with burros with his family
for the past 25 years, the author has learned a thing or two to share. 144
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 978-0-87961-280-1. Order #: NAGR7865 paper$15.95.
PARTING SHOTS: an adventure in post cards by Outside Magazine editors.
Book of 22 color postcards
showing unusual and/or amusing outdoor scenes.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-671-75465-3. 1993. Order #: SISC3553 paper$9.95.
PATHFINDER: a backpacker's guide. by Karen Chaney & Don Shaw.
"Get the world off your back with a pack on your shoulders."
Tells everything you need to know to get started on this natural sport: selecting the right personal gear, finding and choosing your equipment, preparing for your trip, your campsite shelter as your home, what food to take and how to cook it, taking the right clothing and just enough, staying safe, map and compass as tools for staying and getting found, protecting the outdoors as you use it. Diagrams, 128 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-87670-060-1. 1980. Order #: STER1665 paper$9.95.
Contents explore black-and-white or color, categorizing images, subjects besides distant scenery, tripods worth the weight?, checklist for composing scenics, difficult lighting, packing and carrying equipment, selective focusing, mounting prints for display, photographing wildlife, close-ups. Color and black-and-white photographs, 77 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: None. 1981. Order #: MISC2542 paper7.95.
PLEASURE PACKING for the 80s. by Robert S. Wood.
Principles and practices of clothing, cooking, packing, sleeping, survival. Lots of tips on how to make backpacking not only less stressful but even more pleasurable: dealing with rain, snow tents, rest stops, camp and trail ethics. Since this book first appeared equipment has improved, but the needs and principles of meeting these are still the same and this book addresses them. Illustrated with drawings that are often entertaining, 255 pages, index.
Inventory = 7.ISBN:0-89815-035-3. 1981. Order #:TESP1487 paper$7.95.
How to explore one of the wilderness's least hospitable environments to enjoy its
excellent fishing, hunting, and natural wildlife by backpacking, canoing,
and boating. Food and cooking, equipment, navigation, safety and first aid. Photos, 274 pages, index.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-679-51354-X. 1979. Order #: ZZPM4419 cloth$12.95.
STEP IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION: a basic map and compass book. by Don Geary.
Expert advice on selecting the map and compass you need;, determining location, route, and destination; staying on course; adjusting for magnetic declination; evaluating binoculars, altimeters, and other navigational tools; forecasting weather with instruments and folklore. Illustrated, 158 pages.
Inventory = 4. ISBN: 0-8117-2097-7. Order #: STAC1367 paper$9.95.
SURVIVAL WITH STYLE: in trouble or in to keep body and soul together in the wilderness. by Bradford Angier.
What to put in a survival kit, find drinking water, staying warm, making fire without matches, understand weather, determine directions, build a shelter, live off the earth, and more. Illustrated, 320 pages, index..
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-394-71982-4. Order #: RAHO1199 paper$5.95.
TAKE 'EM ALONG: sharing the wilderness with your children. Euser.
Sharing hiking, backpacking, canoing, cross-country skiing,
horse-packing, and bicycling with your children. 45 photos, 128 pages.
Inventory = 2. Check stock. ISBN: 0-917895-12-6. 1987. Order #:CORD6235 paper$7.95.
TAKING CARE OF OUTDOOR GEAR. by editors of Stackpole Books.
Guide to extending life of your sports equipment--winter and summer, water and land.
Push out a dent in a canoe, stop rope ends from fraying, wash a sleeping bag, seam-seal a tent, repair a tent pole, break in boots, manage Gore-Tex and other fabrics, clean wool garments, and more. Illustrated with drawings, 318 pages.
Inventory = 5. ISBN: 0-8117-2148-5. 1983. Order #: STAC1402 paper$9.95.
Spell-binding account of journey on foot through California from Mexico to Oregon, via Death Valley and the High Sierra and past Mount Shasta. Experiences along the way are described as though they are happening to the reader, such as watching one's hat fly away in the wind,. fly-fishing in a little meadow-creek, talking with folks along the way, moonlight on treetops above camp.. 244 pages, map of route. This is a smaller "paperback" version
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-3911-74631-7. 1981. Vintage edition. Order #: RAHO7440 paper$7.95.
Spell-binding account of 1963 journey on foot through California from Mexico to Oregon, via Death Valley and the High Sierra and past Mount Shasta. Experiences along the way are described as though they are happening to the reader, such as watching one's hat fly away in the wind,. fly-fishing in a little meadow-creek, talking with folks along the way, moonlight on treetops above camp. Photographs, 219 pages, map of route. This is larger 6x9 "trade paper" version.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-8310-7154-0. 1982. Howell-North Books edition. Order #: HOHO1026 paper$9.95.
TIMBERLINE COUNTRY: the Sierra High Route. by Steve Roper.
Starts with a section on wilderness travel and the concept behind discovering and describing a route in the High Sierra of California that maximizes traversing country at timberline (treeline) and higher, as an alternative to this same region's John Muir Trail, laid out with different criteria. The High Route, however, is often also a cross-country route with no trail and so route-finding is an important skill in traveling it, and there is a bit more risk involved. "Early Exploration of the High Sierra" is a meaningful discussion of early pathfinders. The route is described in sections: "Kings Canyon to Dusy Basin", 'Dusy Basin to Lake Italy", "Lake Italy to Devil's Postpile", "Devil's Postpile to Tuolumne Meadows", "Tuolumne Meadows to Twin Lakes". A Sierra Club Tote book. Drawings, 288 little pages for carrying in the field, 24 pages of topographic maps, index.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-87156-298-7. 1982. Order #: RAHO1173 vinyl$9.95.
TRAIL BUILDING AND MAINTENANCE. by Robert D. Proudman and Reuben Rajala.
Basic textbook on this subject illustrates necessary techniques for all kinds of backcountry
trail development, reconstruction, maintenance, and protection. Includes rock work and trail marking and cross-country skiing trails, stream crossings, bridges, stiles, and trail inventory, tools, erosion control. Used by U.S. Forest Service and National Park Service. Useful for trail hikers curious about the design features they encounter and also for prospective trail personnel. 176 illustrations, record form samples, 288 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-910146-30-6. Order #: GLPE2503 paper$6.95.
Nearly 80 recipes using freeze-dried and supermarket
ingredients, with cooking techniques and nutritional needs for summer and winter. Cooking equipment--stoves, pressure cookers, reflector oven, edible wild plants. Drawings, 176 little pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-8117-2264-3. Order #: STAC1372 paper$5.95.
Designs and pitching ideas for man-made tents and natural shelters: lined winter shelters, quonset designs, pop-up tents, ultra-lightweights, tent trailers, tarp shelters; some in anticipation of more recent innovations. With do-it-yourself designs and techniques. Price ranges, climate conditions and altitudes, even how to buy a tent. Drawings, 224 little pages, index.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-8117-2268-6. 1977. Scuffed. Order #: STAC1371 paper$5.95.
A WALK ACROSS AMERICA. by Peter Jenkins.
Jenkins set out on his walk to find what America was all about and learns of wisdom and notions from those who meets, lives with, and works with during 5,000 miles of journey and 35 Paris of shoes. His classic journey restores his faith and pride in his country. 3 months on the New York Times bestseller list.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-449-20455-3. 1979. Order #: RAHO5373 paper$4.95.
Inventory =1. ISBN: 978-1-58355-7181-1. Order #: WATE6960 paper$7.95.
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