THE MURDER OF JULIA BULETTE: Virginia City, Nevada 1867--with
the life and confession of John Millian, convicted murderer.
by Charles E. DeLong, convicted murderer's attorney, et. al.
Julia, a courtesan now legendary, had not only been a favorite female companion of
Virginia City's males, but had been an active contributor to the community in times of
civil need, such as the Comstock's early, terrible winters when she attended the sick and
needy. Her support of the volunteer fire brigade earned her the title of Honorary Member.
Her murder severely offended the camp's code of decency, hard though that was. When her
murderer was found, tried, convicted, and hung, virtually the whole town turned out for
the final event, "a fine hanging", "the most gala to date in Nevada",
it was called. That same evening, Mark Twain, returning from the Holy Land to this town
where he had begun his writing career, gave a lecture. Reprinted from a pamphlet issued on
the eve of the hanging of Julia's murderer.
Illustrations from contemporary publications. 16 pages.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-044-4. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-044-7. Order #: VIST0044 paper$3.95
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