ACROSS ARIZONA in 1883. by Anonymous.
Reprinted from Harper's Monthly, here is an eyewitness account--gathered via
train, stage, horse, and on foot--of southern Arizona. The Indians are described, the
element at Tombstone is reported, and the mission church of San Xavier del Bac is
depicted. It was a time of cowboys, City Marshall Wyatt Earp and gambler "Doc"
Holliday, and Apaches--the wild frontier days of Arizona long before it became a state. Period engravings. 16 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-011-8. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-011-9. Order #: VIST0011 paper$3.95.
AT A NEW MINING CAMP: Creede of Colorado, 1892. by Richard Harding Davis.
Today Creede is a "ghost" town in southwestern Colorado (the
italics because today's residents don't like being called ghosts), a remnant of its
former size and glory. But author Davis reports it when activity there seemed circus-like.
At the1892 time Creede was growing rapidly to a population of 8,000. The town was
rip-roaring, and this account helps us understand the bustle as well as the unbounded hope
and optimism at the site of a new mining boom. Reprinted from 19th century originals.;
Period illustrations, 32 little pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
Inventory = 68. ISBN-10: 0-89646-018-5. ISBN-13:
978-0-89646-018-8. Order #: VIST0018 paper$3.95.
ATLAS OF COLORADO GHOST TOWNS, Volume II. by Leanne C. Boyd and H. Glenn Carson.
Inventories ghost towns of 32 of Colorado's counties alphabetically from Kit Carson to Yuma, with a quick review of the ghost towns of the other counties in Volume 1. Notes on localities where towns once existed, old railroad lines and depots, mines and mineral discoveries, histories, status, remnant buildings and traces. Drawings, 185 large-format pages, indexes.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-941620-35-2. 1985. Order #: CARS1436 paper$14.95.
A book for explorers and adventurers who would leave the main
roads to search for gold, lost coins or gemstones; go rockhounding, beachcombing, flea
marketing. Where to find diamonds; hunting for sapphires, rubies, and emeralds; shipwreck debris; hunting the dumps; talk with old timers; hunt for relics; detect metals, find gems on mountainsides. Photographs, 120 pages.
Inventory = 1.ISBN: 0-941620-31-X. 1986. Order #: CARS5126 paper$7.95.
CALIFORNIA GHOST TOWN TRAILS. by Mickey Broman & Russ Leadabrand.
Maps and photos guide to 122 ghost towns
throughout the state, arranged in 10 regions with history of each site and special features such as cemeteries, buildings, mills, camping. Maps give locations of each site, showing mileages along roads. Photographs, maps, 128 pages, index.
Inventory = 1.ISBN: 0-935182-21-7. 1985. Order #: GEMG7590 paper$8.95.
(Colorado Traveler Guidebook): remnants of the mining days. by Carolyn Bauer.
As you travel the
state, read about the life and times of people from years past. An excellent map
in the centerfold, and driving directions on each page make it easy to find the
ghost towns, some now abandoned and others alive with new "pioneers."
48 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 1-55838-067-1. Order #: amtr7256 paper$6.95.
Pad of 50 coin shooting logs and 10 treasure logs to use in recording trips searching for these items, with spaces for items found and their values, site layouts, owners and permissions required, dates and weather at times of visit, road conditions, and space for sketching site layouts with hot spots. Approximately 60 forms, 8 /5 x 11.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: None. No date. Order #: CARS4035 pad$5.95.
CRIPPLE CREEK 1900--a Colorado mining camp. by Francis Lynde.
Cripple Creek got a later start than most of the West's famous mining camps. In fact,
many of its predecessors had already played out by 1891 when the Golconda was uncovered
here. Tells how Cripple Creek got its name, gives history of nearby Pikes Peak, explains
the mines and their mechanization. Because the industrial revolution was at peak in
America in 1900, the technology of railway, electricity, and steam drilling could be
applied at Cripple Creek. Reading this account helps us understand how Colorado and other
Western states which had mineral resources were able to get a good and early start on
their development, albeit at the expense of the Cripple Creeks, which were destined to
bust just as they had been destined to boom. Period illustrations, 20 pages . See sample pages, illustrations.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-080-0. Order #: VIST0080 paper$3.95.
RAILROADS: a quick history of the great gold camp's railroads. by Leland Feitz
Includes The Florence & Cripple Creek, The Midland Terminal, The Colorado Springs and Cripple Creek District, even street cars in town. Stories of depot fire, train wreck, shipping gold ore to mill, and tunnels under the Rocky Mountains. 38 historical photos, 30 pages..
Inventory = 9. ISBN: None. 1980. Order
#: LILO0758paper$4.95.
DEATH VALLEY JUNCTION: the story of the Amargosa Opera House. by Marta Becket; edited by Stanley Paher.
How this professional dancer came to take an abandoned theater in the eastern California desert near Death Valley and make it into an opera house where she would give performances. This is also her story of soliciting public support to restore paintings that were on the walls. History of the town is given, including its major role in borax mining and milling. Photographs, map of region and nearby ghost towns, 16 large-format pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: None. 1979. Order #: NEVA1109 paper$2.50.
prevent and handle emergency situations. by Charles A. Lehman.
This easy-to-read
handbook provides you with the basic survival skills necessary to deal with
emergencies in the desert. It makes an ideal carry-along in your backpack, car,
boat, airplane, RV, or saddlebag.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 1-935810-65-X. Order #: AMTR7611 paper$8.95.
Handy reference for locating
old mining camps, ghost town sites, forts, abandoned roads and railroads, mountains,
rivers, and creeks. Includes inserted folded map of Eastern California, 1881; lists several hundred place names. Center pages are 1860 county map of California. Tells history of state to give context on where treasure might be found. Maps, 24 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: None. Order #: NEVA7584 paper$4.95.
Stories from Colorado mining town: a ghost that lights candles in the hotel, the madame's second funeral. a good-natured ghost, a ghost freed by fire, with a discussion of ghost-reality versus superstition or imagination--all played out in the remnants of a mining town that was. Photographs,
28 pages.
Inventory = 5. ISBN:
0-936564-29-6. 1983. Order #: LILO9779 paper$4.95.
GHOST TOWNS OF CALIFORNIA: remnants of the Mission Days. (California Traveler Guidebook). by Richard Miller.
A ghost town is only
as good as the stories about it. The legends of barfights, famous visitors, and
big findings of gold are throughout this book. It also has a good map and
directions on locating the towns, some of which are "alive" today. 48 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 1-55838-124-4. Order
#: amtr7578 paper$6.95.
Describes old forts, trading posts, settlements, Civil War battles as sites to
look for buried caches. Photos, 103p.
Inventory = 8.ISBN: 0-941620-29-8. Order #: CARS0271 paper$9.95.
Clues on where to look for treasures lost in wrecks, old junk
yards, stills. 82p.
Inventory = 6. ISBN:0-94120-16-6 . Order #: CARS0260 paper$9.95.
listings give treasure leads and helpful info on lost mines, ghost towns, mill
sites, and sunken ships. 124p.
Inventory = 6. ISBN: 0-941620-04-2. Order #: CARS9195 paper$8.95.
HAUNTED HIGHWAYS: the ghost towns of New Mexico. by Ralph Looney.
Histories of once lively towns and also of camps that didn't make it. A combination guidebook and history of more than two dozen New Mexico ghost towns such as Loma Parda, bloody Lincoln Town, Mogollon, Columbus, Dolores, Cerillos and more. Includes the characters of the region, such as Billy the Kid and Sheriff Pat Garrett, Jinglebob John Chisum, Kit Carson, Pancho Villa plus Native Americans Victorio and Cochise and their resistance to the coming of the white man. 150 contemporary and historical photographs, map, 220 large-format pages, index.
Inventory = 2.ISBN: 0-8263-0506-7 1986. Order #: UNNM1605 paper$17.95.
Weaves history of explorers and trail-blazers into
geography of glacier-clad volcanoes, alpine meadows, lakes, and streams, with pine
forests of the Cascades Mountains. Describes major landscape features of the region--the Three Sisters, Mt. Bachelor, Broken Top, and more with notes on how they gained their appearance and history of exploration plus how best to see them. Includes the development of Mt. Bachelor Ski Resort and details features of the Deschutes River. Opportunities for fishing, skiing, hiking are described, as is the economy of the region and its logging and tourism aspects. Photos, maps, 240 pages, index, bibliography.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-8323-0358-5.
Order #: BIMO195 paper$9.95.
#HIGH COUNTRY OF CENTRAL OREGON-cloth. by Raymond R. Hatton.
Weaves history of explorers and trail-blazers into
geography of glacier-clad volcanoes, alpine meadows, lakes, and streams, with pine
forests of the Cascades Mountains. Describes major landscape features of the region--the Three Sisters, Mt. Bachelor, Broken Top, and more with notes on how they gained their appearance and history of exploration plus how best to see them. Includes the development of Mt. Bachelor Ski Resort and details features of the Deschutes River. Opportunities for fishing, skiing, hiking are described, as is the economy of the region and its logging and tourism aspects. Photos, maps, 240 pages, index, bibliography.
Inventory = 1.ISBN:0-8323-0357-7. 1987. Order #: BIMO5003 cloth$12.95. Check Stock.
How to search abandoned sites for treasures and memorabilia. Photos, 84p.
Inventory = 7. ISBN: 0-941620-08-5. Order #: CARS0253 paper$8.95.
By the 1870s and 1880s in the California gold country, the gold that had been easy to
pick up already had been. But there was lots more, buried in the earth. A massive plumbing
system was built to harness water as a tool to wash the earth away and leave a residue of
heavy metals, especially gold. Meanwhile, though, mud and gravel released in the process
washed downstream to inundate farms and homes. Dwellers there objected, and in court they
effectively stopped the hydraulic mining--one of the earliest environmental court actions.
But when our author was there, his interest was describing a vital western industry. And
the mines can still be seen--Interstate Highway 80 runs right through one at Gold Run, and
another is the Malakoff Diggings State Historical Park, where you can not only see the
washed banks but also some of the nozzles and mining equipment used to get the gold out.
Reprinted from 1883. Illustrations are from the original article and other period sources. 16 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-052-5.
ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-052-2. Order #: VIST0052 paper $3.95.
Directions and road character to reach 59 ghost towns in Colorado, with the stories of mining and other events that happened in each to generate their development. Many had large populations and in several some residents remain while others are true ghosts of their former selves. Tells of fires, churches and post offices, railroads and stories of the men and women who left their marks. Abundant historical and modern photographs of the sites, map, 245pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 9780-087004-021-4. 2009. Order #: CAXT2692 paper$12.95.
JEROME: a story of mines, men, and money. by James W. Brewer, Jr.
An historical booklet on Jerome, Arizona, copper-mining town with booms and busts in its ore production and its population, which once was 15,000. Development of town homes and buildings plus mining structures and a raiload--all situated on a sloping mountain side. The mines prospered from the 1880s until the Great Depression of 1929 and now the town is still not a true ghost town but a place where tourists come to see the structural remains and learn of the human conflicts and cooperations that occurred here in its heyday. Historical photographs, maps, 18 pages.
Inventory = 8. ISBN: None. 1985. Order #: SOPM3919 paper$2.95.
Novel of how one man was intrigued by a chance-find to
become a treasure addict. The gold sought was first discovered in New Mexico in 1864, then most of its discoverers were killed by Indians and the two remaining hid what they had, losing track of where and setting off intrigue to find the location ever since. Covers scuffed. 148 pages.
Inventory = 3.ISBN: 0-941620-09-3. 1978. CARS0272 paper$6.95.
Nevada Territory in the 1860s. by Mark Twain. (Samuel Clemens).
Here are the famous humorist's adventures in and around early Virginia City, Nevada
Territory (now Nevada state). There are silver mining, speculation in silver mines, work
in a quartz mill. A trip to Lake Tahoe to secure a timber empire resulted mainly in
starting a forest fire. There was the search for the Lost Cement Mine, and, finally,
reporting for "The Territorial Enterprise", Virginia City's rollicking newspaper
that reported the episodes of riches and murders rampant in this important Western mining
center. The writings here were first published in 1872 in "Roughing It", but we
have pulled from the larger work just episodes on Virginia City in order to maintain that
as a focus. Read these Twain anecdotes for fun, but, remember, too, that these incidents
really happened, and that the principals were often in dead earnest; it just took Twain's
insights to show the satirical side of human nature. Illustrations are from the original book and other sources. 64 pages, 5.5 x 8.5 inches. See sample pages, illustrations.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-074-6.
ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-074-4. Order #: VIST0074 paper$6.95.
A MINER'S SUNDAY, 1849. by Charles B. Gillespie.
This story is set in Coloma, the California gold discovery site of 1848. But it might have happened at any of the gold-rush sites of the West--Virginia City, Cripple Creek, the Klondike--and it probably did, but only on Sunday. Town was a lively place the one day the mines were shut down, with a mix of nationalities engaging in gambling, auctions, horse-racing, shopping for clothes and supplies, eating, drinking, brawling, and general tom-foolery as you might expect from a bunch of young men from all over the world who were off to a get-rich adventure. Illustrations are from early sources, including the original article of 1891, Frederic Remington, and the Crocker Art Museum. 16 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-005-3. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-005-8. 1981. Order #: VIST0005 paper$3.95.
MONTE CRISTO (WA). by Phillip R Woodhouse.
Story of area pocketed in a rugged section of Washington state's Cascade Mountains, where search for gold and silver began in 1899 and that was expected to be "as rich as the Count of Monte Cristo". Activity included hauling mining machinery in and even constructing a railroad plus locating an aerial tramway to reach to a mine high on the mountainside. At one time the town had a thousand residents. Winter snows and floods added to the challenge from rock slides and workers' strikes, ore deposits erratic in size and grade so that mining ceased about 1920, with some continued use of hotels and the construction of a road, now closed. Today Monte Cristo is a ghost town. Historical photographs, bibliography, chronology, 327 pages, index.
Inventory =1. ISBN: 0-916890-66-X. 1979. Order #: MOUN2608 cloth$15.00
THE MURDER OF JULIA BULETTE: Virginia City, Nevada; 1867--with
the life and confession of John Millian, convicted murderer.
by Charles E. DeLong, convicted murderer's attorney, et. al.
Julia, a courtesan now legendary, had not only been a favorite female companion of
Virginia City's males, but had been an active contributor to the community in times of
civil need, such as the Comstock's early, terrible winters when she attended the sick and
needy. Her support of the volunteer fire brigade earned her the title of Honorary Member.
Her murder severely offended the camp's code of decency, hard though that was. When her
murderer was found, tried, convicted, and hung, virtually the whole town turned out for
the final event, "a fine hanging", "the most gala to date in Nevada",
it was called. That same evening, Mark Twain, returning from the Holy Land to this town
where he had begun his writing career, gave a lecture. Reprinted from a pamphlet issued on
the eve of the hanging of Julia's murderer.
Illustrations from contemporary publications. 16 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-044-4.
ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-044-7. Order #: VIST0044 paper$3.95.
by Mickey Broman.
Photos and maps lead you to 35 sites throughout the state, with maps showing the locations of dozens more.
Extended captions tell of histories, production, principals, ores mined, mills, remaining structures, old-time killings and gunplay. Maps, index, photographs, 80 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-935182-09-8. 1984.
Order #: GEMG7588 paper$6.95.
Handy reference to locating old mining camps, ghost town sites, mountains and rivers, lakes, camel trails, abandoned roads. springs and water holes. Includes 1881 fold-in map of Nevada with glossary of 800 place names and 1867 map of Nevada plus a description of the state as of 1881. The 1880 population of cities and towns is given: Las Vegas had 88 people; Reno had 1,202; Virginia City had 10,917, the largest city in the state. Maps, 24 pages. Inventory = 1. ISBN: None. 1961. Order #: NEVA1092 paper$4.95.
Colorado mining town began with
discovery of gold in 1890, to become a thriving city and now a living ghost town
of its former self--until its gambling revival.. Cripple Creek at one time had 10 newspapers.100 historical photos with captions showing buildings, railroads, horse team freighters, horse-drawn wagons, parades, and the interiors of businesses and homes as well as mines and miners and overviews of the town..48 large-format pages, 1990.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0936564-37-7. Order #: LILO3439 paper$7.95.
PIONEER LUCKY STONES: gem and mineral lore. by Ferne Shelton.
For centuries legends and myths told the special significance of different stones...We now classify many of those early beliefs as superstitions and folklore and today jewels are enjoyed more for their personal and sentimental value. But for anybody who wears gems and jewelry, the legends and lore of earlier times might still entertain and awaken the sense of wonder. Includes gem customs, shapes and symbols, lucky stones, days-of-the-week stones, color superstitions, gems for names, state stones, birth and anniversary stones. Drawings, 24 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: None. 1974. Order #: HUTC2833 paper$3.95.
Colorado mining camp and resort town. by Leland Feitz.
In Spanish, plataro means
silver and oro means gold, hence the name of this mining camp that evolved into
a summer getaway. Mining history, floods on the Conejos River, dam construction, ore-processing mills, fire, early tourism and its growth, hunting and fishing in early days. 40 historical photos, 32 pages, maps.
Inventory = 1.ISBN: None. 1969. Order
#: LILO4995 paper$4.95.
the mines and high scenery in Colorado's southwest mountains--in 1882. by Ernest Ingersoll.
Presents early sketches of this region where the Colorado Rocky Mountains culminate in
their grandest scenic display, including Silverton, Rico, Animas Canyon, Capitol City,
Lake City. Although mines and mining are the prime topic in this early history, and the
writing gives a good picture of mining in the mountain West, the author admired the
landscapes greatly, too. It was a time for that in America, when national pride in Western
grandeur was swelling. Silver San Juan was a great place for such pride, for the region
has been called "The Switzerland of America". Most of the region's minerals have
now been removed, but the economic input from that source is replaced by tourists who come
enthusiastically in numbers. For those who want to know the background of the region they
visit, this book is for them. Reprinted from 1882. Illustrations by Thomas Moran and others. 24 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
Inventory = in stock in quantity.ISBN-10: 0-89646-025-8. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-025-6. Order #: VIST0025 paper$3.95.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 978-0-8032-7341-2. Order #: UNNE1843 paper$19.95.
TREASURE HUNTING: a modern search for adventure. Carson.
Researching and then exploring sites, finding coins, antiques. Tips from a long-time hunter. Photos,
Inventory = 5. ISBN: 0-941620-05-0. Order #: CARS0254 paper$6.95.
a quick history--Colorado's City of Mines. by Leland Feitz.
Colorado's "City of Mines", one of greatest gold mining towns, located at th extreme south end of Victor, making a trip here a "two-for-one." At one point in time Victor was served by three railroads, had a population of 55,000 including 8,000 miners. Around 1900 Victor was served by three railroads and an electric street car line. Includes the story of the fire that leveled Victor and how it was rebuilt. 70 photos, mainly historical. Tells of labor wars and the people of Victor. 48
Inventory = 2 (separate edition from above title). ISBN: 0-936564-13-X. 1969, newer cover. Order #: LILO5271 paper$5.95.
a quick history of Colorado's "City of Mines".
One of the greatest of all gold mining
towns. 70 photos, 48 pages. 1969.
Inventory = 5. ISBN: 0-636564-13-X. 1969. b/w cover Order #: LILO0755 paper$4.95.
Locates 71 ghost towns, forts, historic trails, and Indian villages, and gives their history as it occurred at points shown on detailed color maps to give a geographic and spatial perspective to events helping to understand the interactions resulting from their positions relative to each other. 21 large-format pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: None. 1981. Order #: SUFI9433 paper$4.95.
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