by John Williamson Palmer.
The City's history from July 8, 1846, when the American flag first waved over the city (then called Yerba Buena), continuing through the early days of Mormon settlement, the total disruption during the Gold Rush of 1849, the terrible inflation of prices, the polyglot composition of the populace, and of City Fathers, Vigilance Committees, and fires. This history goes only to the mid-1850s, truly a pioneer history of just the first, frontier decade of the great City by the Bay. See not only from where the physical base of San Francisco came, but gain insight into how its people of mixed ethnic origin, thrown together in common destiny, sought means and institutions to secure their future, helping perhaps to bring the city to be one of the most open-minded on earth.
Period engravings. 32 pages.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-015-0. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-015-7. Order #: VIST0015 paper$4.95.
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