Books having illustrations by Thomas Moran are listed here.
a new chapter of Western discovery.
by Nathaniel Pitt Langford (NP or National Park Langford).
Trials and triumphs of the first party to climb the Grand Tetons of Wyoming, July 29, 1872. Author Langford was among the early explorers of the Yellowstone/Teton region and was first superintendent of Yellowstone National Park. His claim to a first ascent of the Grand Teton has been challenged by later parties, and former park naturalist McCurdy considers the various claims in the editor's preface. But regardless, the account still gives a fine record of what mountain climbing was like in the early days in this region. Reprint from Scribner's Monthly. Illustrations from Thomas Moran and others, 24 pages. See sample pages, drawings.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-066-5. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-066-9. Order #: VIST0066 paper$3.95.
THE CAÑONS OF THE COLORADO--the 1869 discovery voyage down the Colorado River.
by Major John Wesley Powell.
Note the word cañons in the title would today be spelled canyons but we have preserved the usage from the time when this voyage was made and written about by the major himself.
From Wyoming, into
Colorado, through Utah, to Arizona and the Grand Canyon, and to Nevada--this was the
journey of the "Colorado River Exploring Expedition", what Powell called his
group of 9 men and 4 boats as they began charting what was the last major unexplored part
of the then United States. The trip was not only scientific in its goals, but it naturally
became a grand adventure, with two of their party opting to leave the expedition before
attempting a furious cascade, only to be killed by Indians. Much of the land and scenery
which they drifted or dashed past is today included in National Park System areas. Illustrations are by Thomas Moran and others. 64 pages. See sample pages, drawings.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-059-2.
ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-059-1. Order #:
VIST0059 paper$4.95.
NOTECARDS--Donner/Tahoe Sierra (CA): Donner Lake, Lake Tahoe, Summit of Sierras, Eagle Falls.
by Thomas Moran.
See samples.
ISBN-10: 0-89646-092-4. Order #: VIST0092 notecards$12.95.
NOTECARDS--Colorado Rockies: Holy Cross, Pikes, Longs, Grays.
by Thomas Moran. See samples. ISBN-10: 0-89646-091-6. Order #: VIST0091 notecards$12.95.
SILVER SAN JUAN: the mines and high scenery in Colorado's southwest mountains--in 1882.
by Ernest Ingersoll.
Presents early sketches of this region where the Colorado Rocky Mountains culminate in their grandest scenic display, including Silverton, Rico, Animas Canyon, Capitol City, Lake City. Although mines and mining are the prime topic in this early history, and the writing gives a good picture of mining in the mountain West, the author admired the landscapes greatly, too. It was a time for that in America, when national pride in Western grandeur was swelling. Silver San Juan was a great place for such pride, for the region has been called "The Switzerland of America". Most of the region's minerals have now been removed, but the economic input from that source is replaced by tourists who come enthusiastically in numbers. For those who want to know the background of the region they visit, this book is for them. Reprinted from 1882. Illustrations by Thomas Moran and others. 24 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-025-8. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-025-6. Order #: VIST0025 paper$3.95.
by John Muir.
Here is what may well be Muir's most literary piece of nature writing, inspired not by
the Sierra Nevada he was more familiar with, but by the wonders of the Yellowstone region.
The text tells of the park's geysers, lakes, mountains, animals, flowers and trees,
petrified forest--of the "blessed old Yellowstone Wonderland." It is the source
for his oft-quoted phrase:
"Climb the mountains and get their good tidings.
peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees.
The winds will blow their own
freshness into you,
and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn
Tips on how to travel in the park around the turn-of the-century are
included! Illustrated with drawings and engravings, many by Thomas Moran. 80 pages, 6 x 9, coated stock. See sample pages, illustrations.
Inventory = in stock. ISBN 978-0-89646-101-7. Order #VIST0101 paper$7.95.
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