AFTER DEATH: a new future for human consciousness. by Darryl Reanney.
An insightful and revolutionary discussion on the nature of mortality and immortality. Examines death and our fear of it on both a personal level and a cosmic scale--reaching in the process the common ground shared by myth, religion, and cutting-edge science. Bibliography, 303 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-380-72861-3. Order #: AVON6358 paper$12.00.
Concise approach to common wilderness problems; plant rash, bites and stings, fractures vs. sprains, medications, first-aid kit design, treating shock, hypothermia, wind-chill chart, more. 25 illustrations, 72 pages, bibliography, index.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-934802-43-2. Order #: ICSB3794 paper$6.95.
BEYOND THE STAFF OF LIFE: the wheatless-dairyless cookbook. by Kief Adler.
Fills the need for people allergic to wheat and/or dairy products. An authoritative and reliable guide to cookery based on nutritional knowledge, with a wealth of exotic recipes that are easy to prepare and healthful for everyone. 80 pages, index.
Inventory = 0. ISBN: 0-87961-075-1. Order #: NAGR0933 paper$6.95. SOLD OUT 7/24.
BILLION-DOLLAR MOLECULE: one company's quest for the perfect drug--paper. by Barry Werth.
How science and business have interacted in the search for a virus-suppressing drug. A company named Vertex was created to design drugs--not merely appropriate them from nature and tinker with them--but design them atom by atom. The process requires accomplished and dedicated scientists, and venture-capital fund-raising to keep the project going. 448 pages, index. For cloth edition see SISC0992.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-671-51057-6. 1994. Order #:SISC4580 paper$14.00.
BILLION-DOLLAR MOLECULE: one company's quest for the perfect drug--cloth. by Barry Werth.
How science and business have interacted in the search for a virus-suppressing drug. A company named Vertex was created to design drugs--not merely appropriate them from nature and tinker with them--but design them atom by atom. The process requires accomplished and dedicated scientists, and venture-capital fund-raising to keep the project going. 448 pages, index. For paper edition see SISC4580.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-671-72371-8. 1994.Order #: SISC0992 cloth$25.00.
BRAINMAKERS--cloth. Freedman.
How scientists are moving beyond computers to create a rival to the human brain. Documents a new approach to artificial intelligence in an account of the revolutionary research taking place around the world aimed at creating devices that are more like living brains than computers; jarfuls of chemicals that recognize patterns and act like a primitive life form, a computer chip fashioned out of living brain cells, a robot farm, a machine that experiences human-like brainwaves and mental disorders. 224
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-671-76079-3. 1994. Order #: SISC4579 cloth$22.00.
BRAINMAKERS--paper. by David H. Freedman.
How scientists are moving beyond computers to create a rival to the human brain. Take a tour behind the scenes at laboratories around the world as top researchers race to create revolutionary "thinking machines" that one day may lead to a new form of intelligence from neuroscience and robotics.224
pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-671-51055-X. Order #: SISC6012 paper$12.00.
BREAST CARE: Fit Self-Improvement Series #2. by Jo Ann Souza.
Answers all the questions about the female breast--from pregnancy and breast-feeding to breast cancer and plastic surgery. Learn how exercise can make the breast appear fuller, and how to keep firm and shapely even after pregnancy and childbirth. Find the right bra and fashion to make the most of the figure. Explains the physical makeup of the breast and what happens during puberty, pregnancy, and menopause. Gives the truth about breast cancer--factors that increase or decrease the risk, how to perform self-examinations. Photographs, 96 large-format pages.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-89037-259-4. 1983. Order #: ANWO3473 paper$7.95.
CALIFORNIA DIET and exercise program. by Dr. Peter Wood.
A proven diet/exercise program designed for safety--with a balanced use of a variety of foods, eating more not less--by increasing your activity, sciehce-- with research supporting its premises, gradual-- understanding that impossible promises are just that, healthful-in helping ward off chronic diseases, permanent-- to develop habits that will last a lifetime, and enjoyable--by becoming healthier and happier by weighing less.
Inventory = 3. ISBN:0-89037-257-8. 1983 . Order #: MACM3329 paper$13.95.
THE COMPLETE GUIDE TO PHYSICAL FITNESS. by Paul J. Kiell & Joseph S. Frelinghuysen.
Provides a total health and fitness program--exercise plus running--especially for the person who hasn't
exercised lately. Combines the benefit of a modern fiber diet with a 45-minutes a day system of exercise. Programs are presented clearly, with reasons for them. This guide is an answer to the stress and deterioration of modern life: it harnesses our needs to play and exercise in the cause of total health and fitness, of mind and body. Photos, 289 pages, index..
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-88317-080-9. 1976. Order #: STOE3556 paper$5.95.
Passes on to coaches, trainers, and sportsmen and sportswomen the research findings related to fitness improvement to enable them to restructure their training programs, Outlines essential methods of conditioning relating to all sports--including muscular endurance, strength and running schedules. psychological factors. Includes 150 photographs show athletes in training action. 110 pages.
Inventory = 3. ISBN: . Order #: MISC3114 paper$6.95.
Explains human gene therapy, using altered genetic material for medical treatment, and the political, intellectual and moral dilemmas this science procedure has faced, with the dilemma of putting it to use. 378 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN:0-671-77082-9. 1994. Order #: SISC5037 cloth$23.00.
Medical guide for every runner and other athlete--with advice on treatments for the author's fellow physicians to apply. Includes how to prevent injuries from toes to hips as well as how to treat them--knees, Achilles tendons, neuromas, heels, stress fractures, sprained ankles, shin splints. When needed this book can help put you on the road to recovery and back on course again..
Inventory = 1. ISBN:0-89037-209-8. 1979. Order #: MACM3050 paper$5.95.
This 1917 guide told tourists, pleasure seekers, and medical patients about this early
national park and city and how to use and enjoy both. It had been telling them that, in
fact, since 1873, and was now in its 61st edition! Fees, services, and even the local
climate were all explained as part of the amenities of "America's greatest health and
pleasure resort". This booklet shows glimpses of buildings and scenes that are gone.
It suggests social and recreational pursuits that were available then. The total picture
reveals the grand and also the ordinary, a cross-section of the park and the city that
grew together. Photographs. 53 pages. See sample pages, illustrations.
Inventory = in stock in quantity. ISBN-10: 0-89646-057-6. ISBN-13: 978-0-89646-057-7. Order #:
VIST0057 paper$6.95.
State-by-state listing grouped as primary or referral
sources. 93 large-format pages.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: . Order #:AMCA3945 paper$6.95.
How and why the body works and how to care for it to keep it in top condition. A trouble-shooting manual that explains breathing, blood circulation, the digestive system, nutrition, skin, hair and hails, genital system, sex and venereal disease, the nervous system, mental health and drugs. 256 pages, index.
Inventory = 3. ISBN: 0-9087-305-4. 1981. Order #: CEAR3405 paper$8.95.
DRESS FOR HEALTH: the new clothes-consciousness. by Maggie Rolo Nussdorf & Stephen B. Nussdorf.
Puts dress consciousness in a context of total well-being, comfort, and style, with 23 comfortable designs--so you'll never have the feeling that our wardrobe is wearing you. Includes hazards of synthetic fabrics, steps to a new wardrobe ecology, dressing for a small planet, with 23 comfortable designs for men, women, and children. Photographs and drawings, 223 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-8117-0524-2. 1980. Order #: STAC5175 cloth$16.95.
EATING RIGHT: before, during, and after pregnancy. by Elizabeth M. Whelan.
A nutrition notebook for expectant and new mothers.
How to have a baby and keep your figure, too. Features nutrition basics during pregnancy, areas of concern (alcohol, caffeine, and food additives), food cravings, after-pregnancy diet. 77 large-format pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-940212-10-2. 1982. Order #: MISC3619 paper$6.95.
FIRST AID: quick information for mountaineering and backcountry use. by Ed Peters.
Goes beyond the "everyday" mishaps that can occur but which can almost be predicted to happen if one spends much time in outdoor activities. Especially if such a mishap occurs while a long distance from help beyond one's own party then help must come from within the group. Suggests response to and treatment of CPR, resuscitation, hemorrhage, evacuation, fracture, frostbite, head and spine injuries, heat exhaustion, hypothermia, joint and muscle injuries, pulmonary edema, shock, snowblindness, sunburn. Contents of the mountaineering first aid kit are listed. This is a good pamphlet to read and understand before you need to. Drawings, accident report form, 34 little pages.
Inventory =3. ISBN: 0-89886-070-9. 1982. Order #: MOUN2664 paper$2.95.
FOOD FOR FITNESS. by Creig Hoyt, Otto Brucker, Ralph Bircher, George Sheehan, Ben Londeree, and Ian Jackson.
Sifts research and personal experience on foods as the body's fuel supply with topics that survey athlete's needs, the question of protein, food killers and killer foods regarding chemicals and foods that threaten health and vitality, vegetarian diets and athletes, and last suppers before competition to perform the best possible. Photographs, 144 pages, index.
Inventory = 5. ISBN: 0-89037-053-2. 1975. Order #: MACM4054 paper$4.95.
THE HEALING BLADE: a tale of neurosurgery. by Edward J. Sylvester.
Insight into modern medical field. Procedures that involve placing patients in a state near death with their blood removed and their bodies chilled to 61 degrees in order to operate on areas of the brain in advanced surgery to alleviate serious medical conditions, not all of which are successful. 240
pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN:0-671-76054-8. 1993. Order #: SISC5914 cloth$22.00.
HEALTH AND FITNESS. Dr. Per-Olof Astrand.
How to get back into shape and stay that way through aerobics.
Explains clearly how our bodies respond to exercise. Provides reasons for an exercise program including how exercise can offset other problems bodies can develop. Considers age and gender in evaluating and selecting programs. Chart shows relative values of different sports; some require fitness to perform but do not produce fitness so that has to come from other activities. Gives facts on foods, promotes stretching, shows exercises. Drawings and photographs, 111 pages.
Inventory = 4. ISBN: 0-8120-0775-1. 1977. Order #: BARR3173 paper$4.95.
HIKING BACK TO HEALTH; a guide for the urban and wilderness walker. by Calvin Rustrum.
Analysis of equipment, outdoor living methods for recreation, adventure, therapeutic value, or to prolong life--gives guidelines incorporating medical information and personal knowledge. Illustrated, 112 pages.
Inventory = 9. ISBN: 0-934802-06-8. Order #: ICSB3326 paper$5.95.
A step-by-step workbook to help you succeed in losing and maintaining weight.
Helps frequent dieters modify eating behavior, become free from the bondage of food, build self-awareness and self-esteem, say goodbye to fat once and for all. Rather than giving a specific diet, contains dozens of quizzes, fill-in charts, and other easy-to-follow behavior-modification techniques that have been proved effective. Works to help you set your goals, chart your progress and change the way you think about yourself and the food you eat.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-312-39616-3. 1981. Scuffed. Order #: MISC3718 paper$8.95.
HUMAN BODY: a Prentice Hall Illustrated Dictionary. by Mal Sainsbury, Merilyn Holme, Josephine Parker.
Dictionary for 9 to 14 year olds explains medical aspects and anatomy of the human body in extended glossary form. Covers a wide range of topics including the brain, the senses, growth, respiration and digestion. Over 800 entries arranged alphabetically. Color drawings, 160 large-format pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-671-84693-0. 1992. Order #:PRHA4080 cloth$19.00.
HUMANITY'S DESCENT: the consequences of ecological instability. by Rick Potts.
Place of humans in earth's long history--survival of the species despite floods, ice ages, earthquakes, and other outbursts of nature. Fossil discoveries present a new understanding of human origins placing our ancestors firmly within the story of the earth's developing ecology, revealing the drama of human evolution. Drawings, 331 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-380-71523-6. 1996. Order #: MISC1090 paper$14.00.
HYPOTHERMIA: death by exposure. by William W. Forgey M.D..
Understanding, preventing and treating severe body
chill--the greatest potential danger for anyone traveling in the outdoors--whether hunting, camping, climbing, skiing, or even driving down a highway. It can be prevented, it can be treated--but only if you know how. Covers gross energy costs of various activities, wind-chill factors. Illustrated, 180 pages, index, glossary, table of treatments.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-934802-10-6. 1985. Order #: ICSB1348 paper$9.95.
LIFESPAN: who lives longer and why. by Thomas J. Moore.
Discusses and documents what matters in the quest
for living longer and what is not so important. Observes the many things we do that influence our longevity and tells why treating obesity, high cholesterol and elevated blood pressure has little effect. Then explains that the greatest threat comes from infectious disease and tells why we're unprepared for this danger. Bibliography, 318 pages, index..
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-671-7966-7. 1993. Order #: SISC7972 cloth$23.00.
THE LIVES TO COME: the genetic revolution and human possibilities. by Philip Kitcher.
Molecular biology raises scientific and moral issues as the human gene is mapped in the Human Genome Project. Addresses the hopeful possibilities of genetic testing but also implications for insurance and employment. Explores how human genetic knowledge affects or choices--particularly ethical and reproductive choices--we may make for ourselves and the options we may allow to each other. Notes, glossary, 381 pages index..
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-684-80055-1. 1996. Order #: SISC7772 cloth$25.00.
LIVING LONGER AND BETTER: guide to optimal health. by Harold Elrick, James Crakes, and Sam Clarke.
Provides individualized programs for achieving invigorating health, top physical fitness, and a long successful life. Chapters include testing present health level, basic exercise programs, ways to prevent injuries, diets with recipes for nutritious meals plus special diets for diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, uremia, and other illnesses. Also covers overcoming psychological stress. 302 pages, index.
Inventory = 3.ISBN: 0-89037-125-3. 1978. Order #: MACM3542 paper$5.95.
MAN AND MICROBES: disease and plagues in history and modern times. by Arno Karlen.
Points out the alarming tide of new diseases rising around the world and asks "Where do new diseases come from?", "Why have old ones returned with sharper virulence?", " Why now?".Presents a panorama of the natural history of disease including the measles and smallpox that raked ancient empires, the intertwined stories of leprosy and tuberculosis , the onslaught of European microbes that devastated the aboriginal peoples of the Americas, and the pandemic of 1918 that killed tens of millions. How we have brought these new diseases on by changing our environment and our behavior. 266 pages,index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-684-82270-9. 1995. Order #: SISC8801 paper$13.00.
MEMORY'S GHOST: the nature of memory and the strange tale of Mr. M. by Philip J. Hilts.
The mechanics of memory and what it means to be human. How an individual's]s memory is constructed. When and why memory fails. The efficacy of mnemonic devices, the validity of "recovered " memories. Bibliography, 253 pages, index..
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-684-82356-X. 1996. Order #: SISC8810 paper$12.00.
THE MODULAR BRAIN--paper. by Richard M. Restak. How new discoveries in neuroscience are answering age-old
questions about memory, free will, consciousness, and personal identity. Gain new understanding of consciousness, dreams, drugs, emotions, memory loss, and kindred subjects. A close look at the way the brain stores information, that parts of the brain are specialized to manage certain purposes of memory, motion, or action. Drawings, 218 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-684-80126-4. 1994. Order #: SISC6006 paper$14.00.
THE MODULAR BRAIN--cloth. by Richard M. Restak. How new discoveries in neuroscience are answering age-old
questions about memory, free will, consciousness, and personal identity. Gain new understanding of consciousness, dreams, drugs, emotions, memory loss, and kindred subjects. A close look at the way the brain stores information, that parts of the brain are specialized to manage certain purposes of memory, motion, or action. Drawings, 218 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-684-19544-54. 1994. Order #: SCRI6006 cloth$22.00.
Treating disease and illness through the mind. An emerging view regards healing as a natural process with treating disease and illness through the mind a fundamental aspect. Here is an introductory guide to better health care and also a compendium of research and theoretical findings. The thesis is that consciousness, or mind, is continually generating changes that directly or indirectly affect what we call our state of health. Bibliography, 174 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-913300-18-7. 1979. Order #: CEAR3847 paper$5.95.
THE "NO DIET WAY" TO HEALTH, BEAUTY AND HAPPINESS: Nature's way cookbook. by Joe Parkhill.
Stresses the value of the nutrient composition of natural foods. Author notes that most foods support life but not necessarily health. Promotes the value of honey as a preventive medicine, power supply for quick energy, and substitute for sugar which for some may have disadvantages. And promotes natural foods instead of junk foods. Also considers the importance of exercise in creating and maintaining health. Presents lots of recipes, many of which include honey such as honey mint sauce and chocolate honey ice cream, poppy seed dressing, and more. 164 pages, index, spiral binding.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: None. 1979. Order #: MISC3845 spiral$6.95.
THE "NO DIET WAY" TO HEALTH, BEAUTY AND HAPPINESS: Nature's way cookbook. by Joe Parkhill.
Stresses the value of the nutrient composition of natural foods. Author notes that most foods support life but not necessarily health. Promotes the value of honey as a preventive medicine, power supply for quick energy, and substitute for sugar which for some may have disadvantages. And promotes natural foods instead of junk foods. Also considers the importance of exercise in creating and maintaining health. Presents lots of recipes, many of which include honey such as honey mint sauce and chocolate honey ice cream, poppy seed dressing, and more. 164 pages, index, spiral binding..
Inventory = 1. ISBN: None. 1979. Order #: MISC3845 spiral$6.95.
NUTRITION ALMANAC: better life through better nutrition. Nutrition Search.
Covers nutrition
and health, sources of calories, how nutrients function, herbs, food supplements, acid
contents of foods, diet analysis, and more. 285 large-format pages.
Inventory = 6.ISBN: 0-07-034848-0. Order #: MCGH3272 paper$8.95.
NUTRITION ALMANAC COOKBOOK. by Johhn D. Kirschmann and Lavin J, Dunne of Nutrition Search.
A cookbook that takes the guesswork out of
providing nutritious and well-balanced meals, with charts that show amounts of vitamins,
minerals, calories, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats for each meal. Every menu supplies generous amounts of all nutrients with levels of 5 vitamins, 6 minerals, and other factors listed. Can help control weight by getting adequate nutrition with fewer calories. Recipes selected are less expensive and easier to prepare. 237 pages with charts, index.
Inventory = 6. ISBN: 0-07-034846-4. Order #: MCGH3273 paper$8.95.
NUTRITION FOR A BETTER LIFE: a source book for the Eighties. by Nan Bronfen.
Contains findings in nutritional research and suggests ways to improve your health, lose weight, and live
longer. Covers vitamins, fibers, minerals, fats and other lipids, smoking, exercising, proteins, carbohydrates. Illustrated, 240 pages, notes, references..
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-88496-152-4. 1980. Order #: CAPR3715 paper$8.95.
THE OBJECT STARES BACK: on the nature of seeing. by James Elkins.
Explores how we see--by patterns of circling around points on an object, finding a spot to focus on, or by glimpsing. Provides text and exercises to help understand the ways you. authors point is that "Seeing alters the thing that is seen and transforms the seer." One might wonder if better understanding this point is that we would better know the character of objects seen rather than how our visual process records them. Illustrated, 270 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-684-80095-0. 1996. Order #: SISC1563 cloth$24.00.
OLD AGE--a balance sheet. by Hope L. Cahill.
A sensitive and inspiring analysis of the assets and
liabilities of old age. Dedicated to those who have achieved the honorable state of old age, and particularly to those younger ones who dread it. Photos, 80 pages. Assets include Freedom from alarm clock and rigid schedule; Relief from pressure to acquire possessions; Recognition of the triviality of many problems; Freedom to speak your mind. Liabilities are Loss of beauty, Damage to the senses, the Outrageous put-down, Loss of loved ones. And there are more assets as well as liabilities covered, giving perspective. Photographs, 64 pages.
Inventory = 6. ISBN: 0-933174-13-6. 1981. Order #: WIWO3768 paper$5.95.
An authoritative guide to the selection of high quality proteins in
both animal and vegetable foods--meats, dairy, seeds, wheat. Compares constituents of various foods. Illustrated, 96
pages, tables, drawings. Scuffed covers.
Inventory = 7; otherwise out of print. ISBN: 0-87961-044-1. Order #: NAGR4179 paper$6.95.
QUEST FOR PERFECTION: the drive to breed better human beings. by Gina Maranto.
From the selective breeding to produce in farm animals and pets those traits that humans want in them to applying the same principles to their own species, documents the attitudes of many centuries and the technological changes that make such practice more plausible, along with attitudes from various perspectives about doing this. An important contribution to the debate over the ethical and political implications of attempts to direct our own evolution. Chapter notes, bibliography, 335 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN:0-684-80029-2 1996. Order #: SISC8808 cloth$25.00.
Instructional Book 7: Ambitious exercise programs for the home, including the use of treadmills, exercise cycles, strength
training apparatus, and free exercise. Designed for a program to follow that outlined in Runner's World Indoor Exercise Book. This advanced book is to give you more than mere fitness or muscle tone; it is for someone who is fit and ready to test the upper limits of power. Tells of floor exercise, regimens, advanced use of spinning wheels, and other strength and stretching devices.
Inventory = 3. ISBN:0-89037-167-9. 1982. Order #: MACM3070 paper$11.95.
RUNNER'S WORLD FOOT CARE BOOK. by Dennius R. Zamzow & William P. Eiffel.
A Runner's World book with all the information you need to properly
heal and care for your underrated, overused weary soles. Explains the biomechanics of a foot strike, which affects not only the foot but the entire body and especially the legs, hips and lower back. Details the foot's structure and references common foot problems like corns, bunions and calluses and tells how to treat them. Conditions like sciatica, Achilles tendinitis plantar fascistic and chondromalacia that not uncommonly afflict active persons are discussed.
Drawings, photographs, 146 pages.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-89037-245-4. 1982. Order #: MACM3062 paper$9.95.
RUNNER'S WORLD INDOOR EXERCISE BOOK. by Richard Benyo and Rhonda Provost.
Instructional Book 2: A comprehensive program
of exercise and fitness for the home, office and health spa. A primer of quick and easy ways to tighten muscles, work toward tonal fitness, and do it minimal time. Examines exercise equipment for the home from cycles to treadmills, jump ropes to home gyms. Photographs showing exercise poses, 181 pages.
Inventory = 4. ISBN: 0-89037-190-3. Order #: MACM3069 spiral$11.95.
This book presents not another fad diet but looks to the origins of overweight should it occur and the behavior modification needed for weight control. There are real advantages to not being overweight related to society's values, medical benefits, and a person's ability in athletic or even ordinary tasks. To attain or maintain the weight you want, the author notes you must first decide what that is, then adopt a program of guided imagery to get there. What is suggested is a four week program. Once there, managing stress and depression help maintain your preferred weight as does learning to have fun without food. Chart of ideal weights for given heights and appropriate daily calorie intake. Fat food versus thin food. Photographs, glossary, 16 pages,index.
Inventory = 5. ISBN: 0-89037-087-7. 1981. Order #: MACM3229 spiral$11.95.
RUNNER'S WORLD YOGA BOOK. by Jean Couch with Nell Weaver.
Instructional Book 1: Stretching and strengthening
exercises for runners and other athletes. Offers a program of poses and stretching exercises to improve performance of runners and other athletes by increasing muscular flexibility and strength. Step-by-step presentation of poses for all parts of the body, showing both beginners and more advanced persons. Includes stretching programs designed specifically for 20 sports including bicycling, skiing, swimming. by improving body function, yoga can help prevent many common injuries.
Inventory = 2.ISBN: 0-89037-206-3. 1981. Order #: MACM3068 spiral$11.95.
THE RUNNING FOOT DOCTOR. by Steven I. Subotnick.
The runner's weakest link traditionally has been the feet. But running injuries to ankle, shin, knee, and lower back can start at the very bottom when the foot strikes the earth. The medical practice of podiatry can help reduce such problems. Explains how the fight against foot trouble is being
waged and how runners can improve their chances of piling up pain-free miles. Also considers bunions and nerve damage. Includes drawings showing structure of the foot and ankle to help readers understand the importance of caring for the feet--and how to do it.
Inventory = 6. ISBN 0-89037-117-2. 1979. Order #: MACM3064 paper$4.95.
THE SCIENCE OF DESIRE: the search for the gay gene and the biology of behavior--cloth. by Dean Hamer & Peter Copeland.
How it was discovered that a gene plays a significant role in determining
sexuality, and what it means for human behavior in general, bringing up the potentially turbulent relation between the biological sciences and public policy. Documents not only the discovery that sexuality is inheritable but the rage so evoked and the social legal, and ethical consequences, giving insights into how scientists might mange such conflicts. Diagrams, 272 pages,index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-671-88724-6. Order #: SISC6879 cloth$23.00.
SO THAT'S HOW I WAS BORN! by Dr. Robert Brooks.
For younger readers, explains human reproduction simply and clearly--differences between boys and girls, men and women, role of the belly button, and more. Color
drawings, 48 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-671-78344-0. Order #: SISC7796 paper$4.95
SPORTS-VISION: Dr. Revien's eye exercise program for athletes. Dr. Leon Revien & Mark Gabor.
So many sports require quick reactions to rapid movements or fleeting glimpses. Here is a 15-minute per day training method to develop better depth perceptions, perfect peripheral awareness, strengthen acuity, increase hand-eye coordination, and build speed and span of recognition. Eye exercises are explained, use of contact lenses encouraged for those who would use prescription lenses, and an eye diet is recommended. Photographs, 127 pages.
Inventory = 5. ISBN:0-89480-152-X . 1981. Order #: WORK3059 paper$4.95.
STEPS TO A LONGER LIFE. by Fred E. Abbo, M.D..
Explores why we age and die, why some live longer and healthier and happier. There are many reasons--radiation, pollution, inactivity, unhealthy diet, stress of contemporary life. But we can slow down the aging process with weight control (when to eat, what to eat, and food interactions that affect obesity), disease prevention, diet (for the right balance of vitamins, minerals, protein, fats, carbohydrates and fiber plus problem foods and beneficial foods), mental health (ways to achieve happiness and cope with tension), and exercise (designed to promote strength and flexibility). 188 pages.
Inventory = 4. ISBN: 0-89037-211-X. 1979. Covers scuffed. Order #: ANWO3420 paper$6.95.
THE STONE AGE PRESENT--cloth. by William F. Allman.
How evolution has shaped modern life--from sex, violence,
and language to emotions, morals, and communities. A speculation is that many of the problems and situations humans face in contemporary life have their roots in our "stone-age minds" that haven't caught up with today. Our attitudes and reactions thus are still playing out the evolutionary legacy of our ancient ancestors. 288 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-671-89226-6. 1994. Order #: SISC6877 cloth$23.00.
THE STONE AGE PRESENT--paper. by William F. Allman.
How evolution has shaped modern life--from sex, violence,
and language to emotions, morals, and communities. A speculation is that many of the problems and situations humans face in contemporary life have their roots in our "stone-age minds" that haven't caught up with today. Our attitudes and reactions thus are still playing out the evolutionary legacy of our ancient ancestors. 288 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-684-80455-7. 1994. Order #: SISC6110 paper$12.00.
TRAVELERS'MEDICAL RESOURCE: a guide to health and safety worldwide. by William W. Forgey.
Gives specific advice for traveling to 219 countries. Explains
diseases of risk, immunizations, embassies, insurance. Considers food and dairy product safety, purification of water, 63 specific illnesses with causes, symptoms, and treatments, and their symptoms plus self-care in the event of less serious mishaps or before medical care is located. Discusses risks by country, travel and pregnancy, even motion sickness. Ensure currency of advice given. 894 pages, index.
Inventory = 2. ISBN: 0-934802-62-9. 1990. Order #: ICSB7124 paper$19.95.
VITAMINS AND REMEDIES: a quick guide to supplements. by Anne Stevens.
Presents 24 articles discussing vitamins and health, diet, "wonder foods", remedies for skin/hair/nails, digestive upsets, hints before surgery, the middle years, nerves, traveling, herb teas, mighty minerals. 24 pages.
Inventory = 5. ISBN: None. 1974. Order #: HUTC0621 paper$3.95.
"WE HAVE CONQUERED PAIN": the discovery of anesthesia. by Dennis Brindell Fradin.
Until about 175 years ago, the surgical operating room was a torture chamber for there was no way to prevent pain from the surgeon's knives, but four American doctors then each developed anesthetics that put people to sleep. This has been deemed the greatest medical breakthrough ever but a battle ensued over who should get credit for the discovery and payments from it, still unresolved. Black-and-white photographs, bibliography,
148 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-689-50587-6. 1996. Junior Library Guild. Order #: SISC8805 cloth$16.00.
WHEAT BELLY. by William Davis, M.D.
Lose the wheat, lose the weight, and find your path back to health. A provocative look at how eliminating wheat--even so-called healthy whole grain wheat--from our diets is the key to permanent weight loss and can provide relief from a broad spectrum of health and digestive problems. Author draws on clinical studies and practicing results to make this compelling case. 304 pages, index.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 978-1-60961-154-5. 2011. Order #: RODA1054 cloth$25.99.
WHISPERS: the voices of paranoia. by Ronald K. Siegel.
A dozen case studies lead into the dark mysteries of
the human mind where delusions and hallucinations feed on each other as in drug addiction, prison, organized crime, and terrorism--from milder cases of patients who vaguely believe something is stalking them to serious cases of patients with apocalyptic visions so intense that they shake the foundations of an entire communities. 310 pages.
Inventory = 1. ISBN: 0-684-8025-6. 1994. Order #: SISC7728 paper$13.00.
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